Not for lifetimes

They say rise and shine

But where goes the fall before

The un slept thoughtful nights

The unswept tears and circles running around your eyes

Where goes all the prays held in hand

Moved through the wishful minds to the lords lately painting those pretty pretty skies

Where do the memories go

The ones who aren’t willing to leave 

Setting beside us at the very end of every cry 

Of every happy hour still having us on mind

Reminding us of the very first steps

Taking us back to the ground

Where it all began, as we held that child in our hearts

And those lilies in our hands

The hope in our eyes

And the love running through our veins 

But not for too far

Not for so many more nights

Not for lifetimes

Only for a child’s period of time

Only till the moment started to feel like infinity’s best friend 

Coming to visit our dreams each and every day



- Reema