Journal Types and how to use each one of them?

You have the urge to start a journal especially for the new tear coming and you don’t know where to start?

I got you

Journals can vary from different types to purposes and different ways to write. If you’ve been looking for the best type of journal for you and the one most suitable for your goals and what you want to gain from it, then here’s what you should know:

Journals can be divided into two main types: instructional journals and free style journals. In free style journals you can grab a lined journal book and simply write freely on the papers. While instructional journals may include: planning journals/ manifesting journals / expressive journals/ self discovery journals and much more. In these journals you have instructions to follow or questions to answer so you can fill the journal based on them.

Let’s start with each type and see if it can suit your current goals:

  1. Diary journal: this type falls in the free style journals type and is simply writing a diary, which means write about the things happened in your life each day, weak, month or year, whatever you decide. It can give you some clarity and memorial pages.

  2. Gratitude journal: can be incredible to start raising your vibrations and manifesting new things in life. It can be free style or instructional journal. You can simply create a list of the things you’re thankful for at the moment, in general, in your life, about your health, wealth, relationships, family, anything. You can also write a thankful list of the things you want to manifest to affirm they are already done and help you manifest faster and easier.

  3. Manifestation journal: it’s probably instructional, where you can find questions, tasks and affirmations to help you manifest your desires. Could be also a free style using scripting method for manifesting.

  4. Planning journals: probably instructional journals, in which they have a specific system to plan monthly, weekly and even daily, this can vary to different areas of your life and is very helpful if you’re looking to get clear on your goals, have a structured plan in order to achieve them.

  5. Self discovery and healing journals: also fall in the instructional type, and they basically include questions to answer, sometimes in a free style, but could be in a very specific way. This might help you get clarity on who you really are, give you the confidence to be yourself and help you process things you’ve been through.

  6. Creative writing: this type falls in the free style journals type, and is basically writing texts and poetry in a creative way, intuitively and how it comes out of your self. This type is perfect when you’re trying to get creative and if writing is usually something you like to do.

Those are some journal types you can choose from to start with. If you already have a journal tell me in the comments if you find it helpful and in what way?

Make sure to stick around for more upcoming content on how to heal yourself and to create your lifestyle !



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