How to recognize the feelings stuck in your body?

It is known in modern psychology that there is a strong relationship and a direct connection between what happens in a person’s soul or psyche and what appears in his body, including the effect of the feelings he feels ranging from happiness, and love to anger and fear on his body, health, behavior and relationships.

How do these feelings negatively affect the body?

When the feeling is not expressed, its repression, suppression, and fear of revealing it make it stored in the body, which disturbs the balance between the physical body and the emotional body.

Repressed negative feelings that were not revealed and expressed in a timely manner may surface in several other ways, including the emergence of psychological, physical, and psychosomatic disorders and chronic pain that has no medical explanation.

The first and most important step to liberating these feelings from the body is to increase awareness of them, acknowledge them and accept them first as something natural, given that they are often suppressed as a result of a feeling of shame, embarrassment or weakness if they are expressed as feelings of anger, fear, or sadness respectively.

With mindfulness, we can become more aware of feelings and how they appear in the body. For example, you can ask yourself what you feel now, and let yourself answer automatically, or intuitively. then touch on where you feel these feelings in your body. Try to focus in those feelings, and you will often feel they are concentrated in one area of the body. Be aware of them, focus on them for a moment and just let them be.

As for releasing these feelings, there are several effective methods that can help you. So if you want to know more, check out our next post, or subscribe to be notified when we apload.

As for now,



How to release the feelings stuck in your body?


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