What do you know about having Courage?

If you’ve ever come to a realization that you are your own obstacle in life, will you ever do something about it?

Not in one thing, not in two things in your life, but in everything. Sometimes you are the one standing in your own way, whilst thinking the world is actually against you.

Coming to such a realization might be harsh, difficult to understand and absorb, and bitter when trying to analyze. But at the same time, it is life-changing.

How many times have you self-sabotaged yourself? mislead yourself in multiple ways? untrusted, diminished, and shut yourself down based on a couple of hindering voices inside of your head? Let me guess. Many times!

You’re doing that over and over again while still dreaming about the life you want for yourself, the experiences you want to take part in, and the feelings you keep craving deep down in your heart, but still you keep dreaming. Probably you think about ways to get you there but somehow nothing happens and you’re still stuck. Stuck in your own battle of wanting to change, but feeling safer in your comfort zone. Because change is unknown, non-materialized immediately, and unmeasured, it is very scary.

Ask yourself, how many times this safe feeling or your comfort zone has brought you happiness and fulfillment? Probably it is, but only for a limited amount of time and joy.

Although this is the battle you keep on fighting, certainly you can’t be sure what to do in order to win. It is only because our brains were programmed to keep us in survival mode all the time. It basically does so to keep us safe. Our brain does not encourage change, so when encountering new things, it does its work to come back to the initial survival state that it is used to, to keep us alive, even if the change is in our favor.

If so, the only way to keep those changes is to persist in practicing what you do until it becomes familiar to your brain and eventually it’ll get used to the new version of you. When it comes to courage, you’ll get used to that bravery in you reflected in new chemicals in your brain.

That is Grit.

And that is probably one of the most powerful things that can change the chemicals in the brain, to upgrade your overall life to the next level, gradually and consistently.

According to the dictionary, it is; firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.

That’s what having Grit and being courageous needs.

Probably it’ll cost you something. It’ll need sacrifice, and it’ll make you give away your old self, but at the same time, it’ll open doors you’ve never thought you could encounter.

Having courage is not easy. It needs strength and firmness to face the different challenges and situations of your life, and to be brave enough to take steps to move forward and overcome the fears ahead.

It can be scary at first but when practiced slowly, firmly, and step by step it can make a whole difference in all areas of life.

Now count down from 10 to 1 and take action toward that scary thing you’ve always wanted to do. It might sound easy to say, but when done you’ll see it was not the end of the world. In fact, it was only the beginning of something really beautiful.

In this manner, Réelle’s team is more than happy to introduce you to the GRIT - spring and summer collection. Designed minimally, enthusiastically, and with so much love to give you the best picks. So you can bear in mind those true life-changing values wherever you go, and show them to the whole world.



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