What Will People Think?

Writing while knowing people are going to read what you wrote does not always extract the most genuine writing experience.

The most common problem artists, entrepreneurs, writers, and people “out there” have, is they always have certain people in the back of their heads while doing what they like to do the most - creating art, writing, singing, making business, etc - and this might be interrupting to their creations lots of times.

The idea is not that the interruptions handicap them from creating anything at all. This is not the case here. In fact, this refers to the people who already are creating, and lots of times they’re making astonishing work. But the thing is, many times while they are creating they simply can’t get rid of the idea that people are going to see this. And what happens if they did?

Different people will have different opinions about what creators do. Some might think their work is amazing but others might not like it as much. So here’s the case, those creators many times might start wondering what those people will think if their work is going to be out there. Probably those people are basically close ones that they care about, like family, friends, etc…

The problem starts when creators start to refine what they are about to put out there just so it will fit the expectations of other people, which is not so good - in my opinion - because it’s not the whole truth.

As a writer myself, this has happened to me lots of times. Not because I wasn’t truthful in my writing, in fact, I always tried to write the things I truly wanted people to read, as genuine as possible, but I can not deny that sometimes I wrote it mysteriously, gently, and in a way that people will not receive as harsh as the harsh truth that needed to be written.

That’s when Réelle came in and opened my eyes. I thought to myself then, if it’s going to be real as Réelle’s message, then it’s going to be the whole truth. not partially, not gently, and not considering what will people think. Not only in writing but in everything including this platform itself.

Having the freedom to express yourself and who you are as genuinely as possible is what matters after all. probably not everyone will like it, but what’s the point in making something the whole world likes but is not as true as what would have come from the bottom of your heart, without thinking about anyone out there while making it?

To conclude the idea of what was written in simple words I would say that the most incredible masterpieces will come to life after you fully immerse in the process of creating, after you fully be in that moment, and create with love while staying true to what is coming out of you, out of your heart. This possibly could happen when you shut down all voices of other people in the back of your head and listen only to your own voice. That’s how we create worth experiencing art.

That’s how I write worth-reading words. That’s how I keep creating fully for Réelle. Because that’s what it has tought me.

I hope it will teach you the same as well.

Best regards,


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